Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cake Toppers

Oh yes, an important decision, not so easy for the non-heteros of us out there in the world. These are the choices I see for answering this question:

(1) no cake topper -- you can always try flowers or screw the cake and get cupcakes!

(2) Monogram -- this seems to work if you are going with just one last name and therefore one initial. If not, it gets a little tricky and I'm not sure you want your monogram to be falling off the cake as it is too top-heavy ;)

Now that's just plain cute

(3) Same-sex toppers -- for the "traditional"

The Biker Brides
The 007 Grooms
The Girlie Brides
Don't forget Fido!
or customize your own bobbleheads! Here's a site I found (note: They don't have any same-sex couples, but you can customize your own)

(4) Some other meaningful object -- it can even fit with your invitations and/or save the dates
Double happiness

(5) Or something really gay?
Yep, if they weren't sure you were gay, they'll know when they see this cake

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