This is an area where I am certain that gays simply have more fun (at least I did!)
I decided to propose to my partner after being together for five years. The most important thing to me was the date because I have always had a strong connection to numbers (maybe it's the Jew in me?). So I proposed on 08.08.08 and called it, Infinity Day. Being the externally more feminine ("femme") one in the relationship, I actually felt it was especially romantic to be the one to propose.
I chose to do it on the beach with a hundred pieces of paper tied with ribbon to a tree. Each paper said something I hoped for us for the future.
"To laughing endlessly at our bad jokes" "To having a family" "To always being patient"
I told her we were going on a walk on the beach. She had no idea what was happening when she saw the fact, she thought we had just walked into someone elses wedding proposal! When she turned to me to say, "We gotta get out of here! I think someone is proposing here or something!" and saw the tears in my eyes, she started to get the idea. Then I said, "it's you that's going to be proposed to." :*) Still makes me get teary just thinking about what a wonderful day it was.
So, now for explaining why gays have more fun with proposals...because we think to do it twice! Once I had proposed to my girlfriend, I told her I wanted to be proposed to too! See why you're happy that you're not dating me??? :)
She waited 10 days and proposed to me by taking me out to our favorite restaurant where the dessert came saying, "Happy Infinity Day." Then, up to the top of a mountain we went. It was a beautiful foggy day. She let a ring of candles around us and as she whispered sweet nothings, I found myself crying tears of happiness once more.
This is all to say, remember you can both propose and both be proposed to so enjoy being outside of the box.
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