Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Disclaimer (gotta have one for a blog like this, peeps!)

Anything said in this blog really applies to everyone, regardless of sex or sexual orientation. BUT, let's not lie, there is something about being gay that brings up a lot of questions in every step of the life(wedding) process.

That brings me to my second point: I'll use the terms "gay" and "wedding" in this blog because that's what I use in reference to myself and the ceremony my partner and I will be having. I don't use these terms to be exclusive, but rather because typing out QGLBTQI every time just gets a bit old and funny looking. So here are my definitions:

gay = any person who doesn't feel ze/she/he fits into the heterosexual box that society has created.

wedding = any ceremony, planned moment, or commitment for a couple to express their love and blah blah blah

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